Wednesday, November 11, 2009


“Dear Folks: Sorry I haven’t written…”
That sentence is exactly how I started every letter home to my family when I was in the military. I would often think about writing, but long periods would pass before pen went to paper. And my Mom would be upset with me. This was, of course, before email. Or computers. Or electric typewriters for that matter. Yikes.
Today is Veteran's Day and I thought of that as I began to write, after a “blogless” month. Seems like time got away from me!

In my last blog, I was heading to Las Vegas and the national State Society Chairman Elect conference as well as the AICPA Fall Council meeting. Those meetings are behind us now and were successful and we picked up lots of good information. However, 5 nights in Las Vegas is a lot of nights in Las Vegas. The constant hustle and activity of the hotel/casino and the crowds does begin to wear on one. I was happy to be back home in Atlanta.

Right after I got home I had to drive to back to the home place in southern Indiana for the funeral of one of my Uncles. He was a great man and a veteran of WW2. He fought through Europe in the Rainbow Division under the Command of General Patton. Interestingly enough, one of our esteemed Past Presidents, Charlie Jenkins (Albany), and one of the founders of Mauldin & Jenkins, was also in that Division and followed the same trail through Europe as my Uncle. I’ve talked to him about this and he was in a different company and didn’t know my Uncle, but they landed together at Normandy and fought together through the historical battles in Europe.

After returning from the Great Hoosier State, it was in the office for a couple of days and then on to the GSCPA Council meeting at Callaway Gardens. We had prosperous meetings there and had an excellent turnout. has been busy, meetings have been busy, lots of miles on my vehicle, and my golf game is suffering.

Interesting facts:
The 2011 CPA Exam will have questions on IFRS. No need to wonder if IRFS is here to stay or not.

The next Generation of CPAS currently spends over 2 hours per day on their cell phones, will read 8 books this year, and visit 2,300 web pages and 1,280 Facebook profiles this year.

70% of the next generation of CPAs believe it is important to help other people. The highest per cent since 1970.

60 % of the next generation of CPAs will see interviews as a two way street and will thoroughly research a company online before accepting a job. Does your firm need a good website?

I’ll write sooner next time and please don’t tell my mom it took me so long to get back to this blog. She’ll be upset with me.