Friday, September 25, 2009


I don’t know about you but I have been contacted by most of my friends and colleagues from around the country in regards to the flooding! It was a sad reminder of the power of Mother Nature. We had one staff that lives in Douglas County and was unable to commute one of the days. Another staff had water in her basement and it came right up to the front door, but did not make it in the house. It was an interesting time and I see it is supposed to rain on Saturday (9/26/09). Let’s hope it does not rain too long or too hard.

Good news: Lake Alatoona rose 15 feet and is at full pool! Lake Lanier rose 3 feet.

We had our first board of directors meeting last Friday (9/18/09) and it was an interesting meeting. We discussed our strategic plan and how we want to go forward with the initial projects which are to objectively evaluate each and every program and service we offer to make certain we are current. This will include our conference area. This is an interesting exercise as no matter which program or service we are focusing on, that particular program is a “Sacred Cow” to someone! Objectivity is the key concept here. But that can be subjective…right?

Another topic at the board meeting was how this economy is affecting our membership. We have an unusually large number of members that have not renewed and we have an unusually high number of members that show no affiliation with an employer in our data base. Not good. The board voted to extend a onetime offer of $50 dues to members that are either unemployed or experiencing financial hardship. We are already receiving many requests for this status. It is tough times out there for many, many of our members and the Georgia Society of CPAs wants to extend this hand to keep our members in the family. I hope better times are in store for the coming year for everyone.

CPE is churning along and although we did not have a great start participation by you the members is picking up and we are expecting to have a busy fall and early winter. We continue to build from this point forward, culminating with the Don Farmer days and a CPE cluster of courses towards the end of the season. It is a reporting year and we expect to be busy so register now!

A familiar subject over the last two years is Mobility. Just a reminder that we passed a Mobility bill in the 2008 legislative session and that bill became law on July 1, 2009. The state board completed all Rules for implementation before that time and is proceeding with business with this new portion of the Accountancy statute. There is a Mobility link on our website that takes you to the hallmarks of the bill and even has a question and answer section. At this writing every state has passed Mobility with the exceptions of New York, California, and Massachusetts. California and Massachusetts have bills in progress and expect to have Mobility next year.

In my last two Blogs I have signed off with the hope that Georgia and Georgia Tech might each win their conference in the world of college football. Both are still alive, but the signs do not look good. However, they are not eliminated just yet. So..I’ll stick with my hope!